Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Unconditional Grace: Showering Mercy Without Expectation

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
The word grace actually means a useless grace and mercy that is showered or bestowed upon someone without expecting anything in return.

This word his word grace has been used in the Vedas and Puranas and is also a word used in our world. Every religion talks about grace: Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, and Judaism, etc. All religions state unanimously that God showers His grace. What is the meaning of grace and who is authorised to shower it?

The word grace actually means "causeless grace and mercy" that is showered or bestowed upon someone without expecting anything in return. For example, when a child is born the mother serves the child in every possible way. She talks to the child, takes care of all the child's needs, and expects nothing in return. In fact, the child is unable to do anything on its own. Thus, whatever a mother does for her child can be termed grace. However, in reality, this is not true grace at all, nevertheless, this example does serve to some small degree in explaining the meaning of the word.

For example, Lord Krishna's eyes are generally compared to the flower of a lotus. We have seen lotus flowers many times and we also know that it would be incorrect to say that His eyes are like lotus flowers. Leaving aside the Paramahansa, even great personalities such as Lord Brahma and Lord Shankara lose their body consciousness instantly upon seeing the eyes of Shri Krishna; such is the beauty of His eyes! The lotus flower comparison is simply used by Saints to give us some insight as to the beauty of His eyes. The truth is that there is no material object or word to describe such divine beauty.

Similarly, even though the word grace should never be used in the material world, still the example of a mother's selfless love and care for her newborn baby does to some small extent serve as an example, because she gets nothing in return for serving her child. Who knows, that child may grow up to become a thief and steal his own mother's jewellery. There are many such children in this world; I have seen this with my own eyes. Some loot their own homes and run away; they do not even spare their own parents who took such care of them, giving them a good education, etc.

Actually, the true meaning of grace is related to the soul, not the body. A mother can only take care of the body of her child, not its soul. Thus, taking care of the body is in no way related to grace. Grace means "gracing the soul" with God's divine love.

Thus, granting material possessions is not grace; blessing a soul with God's love is grace. Who can bless us with divine love? There are two such personalities. One is God Himself and the other is a God-realised soul. However, we cannot see or experience God with our material senses. There is no particular place or address for Him where we could go and meet Him. It is even impossible for us to just have a glimpse of Him!

A God-realised soul (a Saint) is approachable and moreover, he possesses the same powers as God, because God bestows everything He possesses upon His Devotee (Saint). In this way, God and the Saint, being equal or one and the same, are both Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj by nature and possess unlimited divine treasure; therefore they can grace fallen souls with their LOVE.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj explained the concept of unconditional grace as something that goes beyond simple material exchanges and physical care. The relationship between grace and the soul, where God's heavenly love is given without expecting anything in return material, is what gives grace its essence.
The importance of spiritual development and the divine relationship between God, the God-realized soul, and the searching soul is highlighted by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj's teachings on unconditional grace. This profound idea inspires people to look for the genuine meaning of grace, which is the most profound manifestation of divine kindness and love bestowed upon the soul without any expectation of reciprocation.

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